LOS ANGELES — As mudslides continue across LA County, residents are learning standard homeowner’s insurance doesn’t cover the damage. 

Dion Peronneau has been living in her Baldwin Hills home for 25 years, but she says the mudslide that came crashing into her bedroom was unlike anything she’s ever experienced.

Now, she says she’s been told her homeowner’s insurance doesn’t cover the extensive damage. 

Janet Ruiz, with the Insurance Information Institute, says floods, landslides and mudslides are not covered under homeowners and renters policies, though residents with specific flood insurance policies have some additional coverage.

“If the cause of loss is flooding, then it’s covered under your flood insurance,” Ruiz explained. “If the cause of loss is landslide, Earth movement, then it wouldn’t be covered under your flood insurance and those are the things that have to be determined when they go out and inspect these horrific landslides and floods that are happening in Los Angeles County.”

She adds that mudflow, or flood water that comes from the ground, up with mud and debris that flows through the home, is covered by flood insurance.

Flood losses to include fallen trees for cars are covered under the optional, comprehensive portion of a standard automobile insurance policy.

Peronneau says she’s uncertain about the fate of the home she calls her sanctuary, but she’s so grateful for neighbors who have rallied around her and launched this GoFundMe page for her to offer their support.