SAN FERNANDO, Calif. — Every note taken and idea given is one step closer to the city of San Fernando’s first Pride celebration.

It’s an idea that started with Richard Salazar who grew up in San Fernando and still works in the community.

What You Need To Know

  • San Fernando's first pride event will take place on June 25 
  • Business owners and residents came together to plan the event
  • The idea started with Richard Salazar who grew up in San Fernando and still works in the community
  • The event will take place in the San Fernando Mall and will include LGBTQ vendors and performers

“I love San Fernando," he said. "I rep San Fernando everywhere I go.”

For Salazar, a member of the LGBTQ community, it was important that his city represents for pride month. He says being gay just wasn’t something that was talked about growing up in San Fernando, which he says is a very religious community.

Last year, city leaders passed a resolution to proclaim pride month in the city of San Fernando for the first time, but there wasn’t a celebration. Salazar took matters into his own hands and teamed up with business owners in the San Fernando Mall. He says people need to speak up and feel comfortable being who they are and loving who they love.

“It’s time,” he said. “It’s been time for the city of San Fernando. San Fernando deserves so much and we have so much culture here and there’s a lot of the queer community here and you don’t see much of but they’re here.”

One of the business owners Richard teamed up with was Sergio Amalfitano, who owns The Midnight Hour. Amalfitano says celebration sends a powerful message to the LGBTQ community.

“People who might feel underrepresented in this particular part of the valley or LA, we want them to know that they’re welcome and that they’re safe,” he said. “I think that it’s important to send that message out.”

The Pride celebration will take place June 25 as part of the San Fernando Outdoor Market, but the details are still being sorted out.

“It’s definitely going to be special to see something that we’re working on come to life because it’s never happened here in San Fernando,” Salazar said. “It’s going to be something different for everyone to look forward to.”