LOS ANGELES (AP) — A Los Angeles hospital donated a huge load of medical supplies to aid Ukrainians on Thursday.
The 200 boxes of supplies packed onto 10 pallets were being sent from Northridge Hospital Medical Center to Project C.U.R.E., a global distributor of medical supplies, said materials management manager Michael Alfaro.
Alfaro said he believed the shipment would be sent to Poland, where thousands of Ukrainians have fled Russia’s invasion.
The shipment included surgical gowns and drapes, instruments, wound-care supplies, tourniquets, masks, gloves, gauze, needles syringes, antiseptics and disinfection solutions for wounds.
“We’ve taken these from our own emergency supply, some of which we actually overstocked due to COVID, not knowing what we’re going to need, you know, during that time,” said Paul H. Watkins, the hospital president.
“It’s really, really good to do something positive, even though we’re responding to a situation that that is, you know, it’s just horrible,” Watkins said.
Alfaro estimated that the shipment was worth $10,000.