SAN PEDRO, Calif. — Every four years, the veterans who served on the Battleship IOWA return to the ship.

Veteran Robert Roche lives in Pennsylvania and served on the ship in the 1950s.


“This year is going to be a little different because four of my buddies didn’t show up, so other than that it’s the way it goes,” said Roche.

The Battleship IOWA currently resides in San Pedro, Calif. and served in three major arenas: the Korean Conflict, the Cold War, and World War II. The veterans who return every four years come from different eras.

David Canfield came aboard just after his 18th birthday. He served on the ship for two years. To this day he can point out the bunk where he spent an important chunk of his life.

The ship was decommissioned in 1990.

“It was the best of times. It was the wort of times. I have some of the best memories of my life on this ship. I have some of the worst events that ever transpired to me happen on this ship,” said Canfield.

A lot will happen over the next four years. As long as there are Battleship IOWA veterans, this tradition will survive.