LONG BEACH, Calif. -- Each month more than 50 seniors spend time at the Alpert Jewish Community Center in Long Beach. They aren’t looking for religious services. They are learning more about themselves through the Happiness and Humor group led by retired professor Susan Mathieu.  

Mathieu is known as the "happy professor," and for one hour each month, she teaches seniors how to live happier lives. 

“I came here to fortify myself, to feel better… I have a reason to laugh,” Fran White said.

White’s husband, who was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, passed away about a year and a half ago. White said her husband’s passing has been difficult for her. That’s why she looked for support with this group.

“I had been dealing with his illness for several years and then he was in a home, and then it was time for him to pass and then he did, and that meant I was alone,” White said.

But things changed when she found common ground with a group of seniors like herself.

Discussing topics like social situations, minding how things are said, and how they can change the tone of a conversation is something that helped White make new friends and regain a sense of happiness in her life.

It’s a sense that Mathieu hopes to provide to seniors as a way to live a fuller life, despite life’s challenges.

Mathieu conducted a study to find out what the major stressers were for seniors when she was a professor at California State University of Long Beach. Her research found isolation and loneliness to be the biggest stressers for the elderly.

That’s why she created this group setting and added jokes, dancing, and some fun props like kazoos and whistles to talk about self-awareness and looking at life as a glass half-full.

“I wanted to create a group that would encourage social connections that people would make friends and they’d learn that it’s not always the other person’s fault,” Mathieu said.

White said having this group helped her to take a closer look at her own actions and make changes in her own life.

“When she asked today about those of us that are a bit negative, you know, that sort of thing. Yeah, so I’m working on several areas of my life,” White said.

White said she’ll continue to make changes and work toward living a happier life as long as Mathieu comes with the jokes.

The Happiness and Humor group is available to all seniors and meets every first Friday of each month at 11:30 a.m. at the Alpert Jewish Community Center in Long Beach.