The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development will provide $188 million to Los Angeles to help combat homelessness.

An estimated 75,518 people are homeless in Los Angeles County, according to the most recent point-in-time count from 2023 — a 9% increase from a year earlier.

The annual award is $24.56 million more than the previous allocation to the local planning bodies that coordinate a range of homelessness services in the city and county of Los Angeles.

The new funding includes $10.26 million for the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority to build two new permanent supportive housing projects that will add 435 units to the LA area.

LASHA will also receive $1.4 million to make 47 beds available for domestic violence survivors who are experiencing homelessness.

“We look forward to bringing more people inside through supportive housing and increasing our efforts to help more domestic violence survivors find a home as a result of this funding,” LAHSA chief executive Dr. Va Lecia Kellum Adams said in a statement. “LAHSA will continue to work with HUD to bring necessary resources to Los Angeles that will address the humanitarian crisis on our streets.”

The HUD funds are in addition to the $1.3 billion the city of Los Angeles allocated in its 2023-2024 budget to address homelessness.