LOS ANGELES – It was another Sunday of praise at the First A.M.E. Church in Los Angeles. Though, for usher Angela Adams, it was anything but usual. 

“This was the first time I ever had a service like this,” she said.


Adams guides parishioners to their seats every week. But with the COVID-19 outbreak leading to stay at home orders in the city, service goes on in an empty auditorium.

Pastor Edgar Boyd is one of only 10 people allowed to be in the room. Along with the clergy, essential musicians, the camera man helping stream to worshipers at home, and a couple of people who just had to worship on-site.

“For many of them, they need that connection to stay balanced,” Pastor Boyd said.

But the church also knows it needs to follow the law, so Adams was responsible for counting every person in the sanctuary. When the count reached over 10, it was her job to move the extra people to another completely different part of the complex, where another small group watched. 

“I was a little nervous. I was just hoping that they understood that – I did it in love – I explained to them that we can only have these many members in the sanctuary,” explained Adams.

The pastor encouraged his flock with scripture to guide them through this strange time. And the church also is making sure they put their faith into works, by doing their part to keep everything clean and keep proper social distance

“Wherever the law of the land exists, then the church as a corporation, as a corporate body always defers to governance of governments,” said Boyd. 

With the church doing what they can, and others doing the same, Adams hopes she can return to serving a house full of worshipers soon and very soon. 

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