WESTMINSTER, Calif. — School is set to start next week for most schools in the Garden Grove School District, and for many, mental health has become a focal point on campus.

More than a third of teens experienced poor mental health during the pandemic, according to the CDC. Experts say issues like anxiety and depression are at an all-time high among students.

Administrators at La Quinta High School in Westminster are working hard to address mental health concerns. The school has several counselors, psychiatrists and social workers to provide students with the proper assistance needed.

“I’d like to see mental health just as we see physical health in treatment options available for every person in our society,” said Lori Glover Magee, a school social worker with the Garden Grove school district.

The school has also created a new “wellspace” for students to unwind during what can be a very stressful school day.

The new space consists of brand-new furniture, mini Zen gardens and aromatherapy to help students dealing with mental health issues find peace on campus.

The room also has a strict no phone policy. Administrators say that more often than not, social media is the cause for much of the stress students face daily.

“I’m a big believer in early prevention, too, to give our students the coping skills that they need to get through this life,” Magee said.

Officials across the state are also working to provide more mental health support to students.

California State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond announced additional funding for resources last week. California has secured $20,000 scholarships for 10,000 additional school counselors across the state.

Glover Magee is happy to see the state put more focus on the mental wellbeing of students.

“Hopefully this momentum will just increase the continuation of school-based mental health,” Magee said.

School is slated to begin Monday at La Quinta High School, and as students return to classes, they will have the opportunity to utilize the new “wellspace” facility for the first time.