Meet the team that will represent North Carolina in the “Spectrum News Challenge.”


High school: Jack Britt High School

Accomplishments: Tristan is the student body vice president and vice president of the Science Honor Society.

Fun fact: Tristan is on the executive board of the Fayetteville Youth Pride Council.


High school: Jack Britt High School

Accomplishments: Asiah is part of the National Honor Society and a member of her school’s government. She also helps tutor middle school students in math.

Fun fact: Asiah will be attending the University of North Carolina with a major in business administration.


High school: Jack Britt High School

Accomplishments: Mariama is vice president of the Science Olympiad team and is one of the builders, making things like catapults and rockets. Mariama has played viola since sixth grade and is member of the National Honor Society.

Fun fact: Mariama has a “yellow-bellied slider turtle” named Frankie Lynn.

Watch the “Spectrum News Challenge” on Wednesdays at 8:30 p.m. on your local Spectrum News channel, the Spectrum News app or