The Tongva people were the original inhabitants of the land we now call Los Angeles. Their words appear on our map: Topanga, Cucamonga, Cahuenga. But their cultural presence is largely erased from public memory. Artist Mercedes Dorame is one of many Tongva descendants, and she talked to LA Times Today about how her work shines a light on Tongva culture.

The Tongva people have lived in Southern California for thousands of years. They lived from Malibu to Orange County, as well as the southern Channel Islands. Dorame tries to unearth indigenous culture through her work.  

"Like many of the tribes of California, we've had to kind of piece things back together," Dorame said. "We've really had to care for the culture in a way that's about reviving. A lot of the work I do as being around these star stones. These are specific to our tribal territory. They found them in Los Angeles, in northern Orange County. I wanted to kind of empower myself to recreate them... As we move through Los Angeles and you kind of think about how much is paved over. Just below us, there's so much history and existence and cultural memory."

Dorame explained that her creative process has shifted over the years. She talked about what she looks for when she takes her camera out to shoot.

"A lot of times when I make my photographs, I'll just pile a bunch of stuff in a bag and take my camera and take my tripod and go somewhere," Dorame said. "That's important, but I don't previsualize anything. I work with a lot of what's found really paying attention to seasonal shifts and seasonal species."

Dorame's work is rooted in research and historical accuracy to pave a path for future native artists.  

"I think as I move through my artistic practice, it's always research heavy. I'm always doing research, but I feel like my focus now is about creating space in the future. I feel the responsibility and the weight so that the generation that comes after me doesn't have to have the same conversation because native people have been so objectified or disassociated," she shared.

Dorame's work is currently on view at the Huntington Library as part of the long-term Borderlands exhibition. She's also working on a new installation in collaboration with two other Tongva artists at the Catalina Museum for Art and History.

Watch the full interview above. 

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