A Bridge Home shelter in Venice Beach is one of the few homeless shelters in Los Angeles County that allows people to bring their pets with them. But a new bill, AB 1215, would make it easier for shelters statewide to accommodate pets. 

The bill’s author, Assembly member Wendy Carrillo, D-Los Angeles, sat down with "Inside the Issues" host Alex Cohen to talk about her inspiration behind the legislation. 

“We know that if they're not able to bring their pets, the likelihood of someone saying yes to shelter diminishes quite a lot,” she said. “Sometimes, this is the only connection that someone may have to something that gives them hope, peace, tranquility, versus otherwise trauma that they may be experiencing.”

More than 69,000 homeless people live in LA County. The Los Angeles Homeless Service Authority estimates that 5% to 10% of them have pets. 

If passed, qualified homeless and domestic violence shelters across California would receive $32 million in grants to provide pet food and veterinary services, grooming, dental and first aid. 

“If someone has been living on the street for many years, and their only companion has been their animal, the separation that that creates is actually more harmful than simply just saying, 'Let's put you in a shelter, and you're going to be OK," said Carrillo. "There is a connection between human beings and the animals that they have as pets."

Carrillo also spoke about the work she’s doing as a member of the California Film Commission. 

Gov. Gavin Newsom recently proposed a $330 million-per-year tax credit extension for film and TV production. Critics say the plan would subsidize the industry while the state faces a $22.5 billion deficit. 

Carrillo said California is losing production jobs to other states that offer tax credit incentives.

“The reality is that this world leading industry belongs in California,” she said.

The state’s Film and TV Tax Credit program is currently in its third iteration. The new proposal from the governor would be Program 4.0.

Carillo said at the moment, the program is staying as is and no new funding is being introduced.

"If we are to continue this program, which we want to do, we want to make sure that the Film Commission has the resources to start collecting data," she said.

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