Players from the Worcester Bravehearts are suiting up and taking the field with local kids.
"We get our players involved as counselors and these kids just have a blast," said general manager Dave Peterson.
The baseball team's summer camp gives boy and girls a chance to be a part of the big leagues.
"My favorite part is playing games against other people," said Timmy, who has been coming to the camp for four years.
"I have a lot of fun here and my favorite part is the home run derby, " said 10-year-old, Gino.
Peterson said the camp means just as much to players as it does to the kids who attend it.
"I can't tell who is more excited," Peterson said. " Is it the college athlete who is being asked for his autograph for the first time? Or this seven-year-old that sees this baseball player he or she looks up to?"
The team still held camp last year, but they had to add more staff members this year because registration numbers were the highest they've ever been.
"I think parents were looking for a way for kids to get out of the house and socialize," said Peterson. "Our numbers are through the roof."
The organization is still taking steps to keep kids, players and staff safe during the week-long camps.
"It is all about sanitization. There is hand sanitizer everywhere," Peterson said. "Also, sunscreen. We are making sure kids aren't running out there in the sun and getting a sunburn."
Even with the high attendance, Peterson said there is still a few spots open for next week's camp.